In Texas, you must be 16-years-old before you can drive. Of course, there are exceptions. 15-year-olds can apply for a hardship license, which allows them to operate a vehicle legally before they are 16 if one of the following three conditions are met: (1) if the failure to issue the license would present a financial hardship for the family of the applicant, (2) if the license is needed because a member of the family is ill, or (3) the applicant needs a vehicle to travel to a vocational education program.
In Texas, you must submit a form to apply for a hardship license Texas. The form is called a Form DL-77. When you fill out the form, you should provide evidence that you satisfy one of the three categories. If you need the license for school, then you must show that you live far enough away that you need a license to be able to drive. You also need to show that you can’t get to work or school any other way.
Hardship licenses are approved for specific uses only. This means that drivers can’t joyride or to travel adventurously. If a hardship license driver is pulled over by the police for driving for any other reason than for that specified on the hardship license, then he/she could lose both the hardship license and possibly their ability to get a drivers’ license when they reach 16. They will however, be able to take a defensive driving course for ticket dismissal.
When the applicant fills out the form, they must provide personal information, such as their height, weight, and age, as well as the reason for why you believe that you qualify for the hardship license Texas. After the driver receives the license, they can only drive during daylight hours, unless they have permission to attend night school or work at night or in the early morning hours.
Hardship license drivers also may be restricted in terms of who they invite to ride with them. They may be limited to one passenger or they may be permitted only to allow adults to drive with them. The drivers are also expected to pass a certified drivers education course before they are allowed on the roads. These classes are held at various times throughout the year. The applicant must sign-up for the class and complete the coursework before the hardship license application will be considered.
The applicants must be able to provide an adequate reason why they need to drive. They must also show that an adult in the family can’t drive them. The application likely won’t be approved if the only reason the minor needs the license is to travel for sports or for school-related activities. Usually, the school can provide transportation to school functions.
The hardship license Texas offers rural students with a way to travel to and from school and work. In rural communities, students may be farther away from school than they would be in the city. Public buses and school buses may not operate in the areas in which these students live. Hardship licenses allow 15-year-old students to participate in school and work activities that they otherwise wouldn’t be able to.
After the application is filled out, the minor must get the form signed by a guardian or adult and they must get it notarized. After all the information is provided and the form is notarized, then the state decides if the applicant is eligible to receive the hardship license. Not all applicants are authorized to receive the license, but for those who are selected, the hardship license is a huge help for them and their families.
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