The fact that you can find some great accommodation at a great price justifies exactly why Edinburgh wouldn’t ordinarily be associated with some primed spots for a good picnic. Prepare to be surprised though, for when the sun does shine and the Edinburgh outdoors beckon, you’ll uncover some real gems making up what are five great picnic spots, although there are more than five in existence. All that rain that falls somewhat builds up the sheer beauty you’ll experience when you visit these places on the drier days.
- The Meadows
Making for one of the city’s most popular spots among picnickers, The Meadows springs to life on a sunny day, drawing in a healthy flock of people who are all eager to enjoy the outdoors. You perhaps can’t really refer to yourself as a local if you’ve never been to The Meadows for a picnic on one occasion at the very least.
- Dunbar’s Close Garden
Dunbar’s Close Garden may be hidden quite a way down a small close off the Royal Mile, but that’s just exactly what makes it the gem that it is, waiting right at the heart of the city for the eager picnicker to discover. If the typical, everyday city buzz has you longing for some tranquillity, you won’t have to leave the city at all, as hard as it may be to believe that Edinburgh’s city streets can actually lead to a very peaceful spot.
- Harrison Park
Harrison Park sits waiting by the Union Canal, offering the perfect picnicking spot with all the picnicking complemented by a good view of locals and their dogs going on their walks. This venue is stunning all year round, so it isn’t just on the sunny days when you can take some time out in a beautiful setting. You can also watch the ducks swimming by and the kids playing.
- Calton Hill
Edinburgh boasts seven hills in total and Calton Hill makes up just one of these. It’s only a 10 minute walk from Princes Street and is worth the short, steep climb if you want to get away from the busy street and enjoy panoramic views of the city. Enjoy your lunch with views of the Scottish Parliament at Holyrod and you’ll perhaps start a new picnicking tradition worthy of enjoying time and again, perhaps even sharing it with some special people in your life.
- Blackford Hill
Blackford Hill is somewhat of an open secret getaway location among the Edinburgh locals. It’s not that well known amongst may visitors to the city as they appear to much rather prefer a visit to Arthur Seat. Basically if you visit this Southside location of the city, you can still get a good dose of the amazing views people are chasing. It’ll also be much quieter. Locals particularly love it for walking and hiking, offering a very peaceful setting for picnicking while admiring Edinburgh Castle. If the weather is clear and the sun is shining, you can perhaps see far out enough to spot the Firth of Forth.
Some of the other great picnic spots to check out in Edinburgh include:
Inverleith Park
Granny’s Green – The Grassmarket
Princes Street Gardens
Holyrood Park
Dr. Neil’s Garden
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